Whenever we create a website, brochure, ad or any other digital or print media for our clients, chances are that we need high-quality, up-to-date photographs. If clients don’t already have these, we pay them a visit and get snapping! And we quite often film great-quality footage too, to create short videos that really make our clients stand out. This is exactly what we did a couple of months back for our client, St. Michael’s Care in Kent.

Having invested a substantial sum into the renovation of the care home, our client wanted to show prospective residents and their family members how great the home looks inside and out and how truly caring the staff are. It was also a great time to showcase the quality and choice of food served and the varied activities and entertainment put on to make life as fun and fulfilling as possible for every resident. Our last objective was to show prospective team members how great it is to work at St. Michael’s, highlighting the closeness of existing staff and the many benefits of being an employee in the home.

At Shuttlefish, we wanted to help, so started by storyboarding the videos and making a list of who we needed to speak to and when. Time was short as we only had one day to get as much footage as possible – and it heavily depended on the weather.

With a photographer, videographer, director and assistant forming our crew for the day, we cracked on. Although we had a grey start, thankfully it brightened up and turned out to be beautifully sunny in Westgate-on-Sea. We decided to make the most of the dry weather and kicked things off on a golf course next to the home. We made the most of the opportunity to capture new video footage and stills and managed to get some great material to work with. With the drone flying high, we took some great shots with an aerial view, gliding up and over St. Michael’s, then down by the beach to document how beautiful and peaceful the area is.

It was great to have so much going on in the home to photograph and video; St. Michael’s holds regular parties for friends and family members to attend, completely free of charge, and residents absolutely love them. On the day of the shoot, there was a Caribbean-themed party going on, so we got some colourful photos capturing smiles all around. With the band playing, kids dancing and everybody smiling, we couldn’t have asked for a better day – there was even a pony with a multicoloured mane in attendance!

Although there was a lot of fun to be had down on the ground, a lot of the footage we used came from up in the air – striking landscapes provided the perfect backdrop for our videos, with staff and residents’ words bringing the home to life, telling the world why St. Michael’s is such a great place to live and to work. Watch the video for yourself right here. This is what our client had to say about it: ‘The video you created for us is perfect and made me feel quite emotions. I love it!’

If you would like something similar creating for your business, get in touch – we’d love the opportunity to bring your brand to life.

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